

The body is the metaphor for all universal truths.

Weekly Classes


Talasi utorkom Belgrade Jelena Vajagic


Talasi subotom Novi Sad Jelena Vajagic

Periodic Classes

Upcoming Workshops


Belgrade - 30 May 2025 to 1 Jun 2025
Andrew Holmes

Sometimes life is sweet.
Sometimes it’s more challenging.

How do we build the strength inside to face the difficulties when they come? Where do we find the courage to be with the uncomfortable feelings that arise?

In this workshop we will dance through the landscape of our hearts.
We will practice moving with fear, and other ‘difficult’ feelings, and discover the resources we have to stay present and alive, even when the going gets tough.
We will learn to keep our hearts open and our bodies moving, instead of getting stuck or giving up.
Not by pushing, or toughing it out ~
but with kindness, and humour, and a willingness to expand.
Let’s grow our courage to feel, and live, and truly love.



Belgrade - 7 Nov 2025 to 9 Nov 2025
Jup Jansonius - Jelena Vajagic

We live in chaotic times. A big dance with the unknown. Our society (our system) reacts by feeding the fear. 

This fear goes directly into the body and tenses up our system.

The more our physical system is tensed up the harder it is to perceive vital information that is important for our well being. 

We start to loose connection with our senses and our mind goes into overdrive. Creating more physical tension.

It is time to break this vicious circle and return to an effortless effort trusting our own inner navigation.

Returning to the power of our senses. Our senses are directly connected to our neuro system and therefore 

of vital importance on how we perceive the world. 

Let’s relax, dance and soften our shell ,so we can flow through life with trust and ease.

In this waves/heartbeat workshop we focus on relaxing our body and let our senses inspire our dance to discover various ways to calm our nervous system and to (re)load our vitality

Are you curious how softness, lightness, taste and touch can be part of your dance and life?

Then join us in this beautiful workshop. 

Jup Jansonius is Dutch teacher living in Italy. She is dancing since 1998 and teaching since 2014.

She is certified to teach waves/heartbeat and God,Sex & The body. She combines her experience in dance, art, theatre, massage & yoga with social science and humor. Her ability to shapeshift and her spontanious way of being herself creates a safe playground for you to explore your dance & beyond.


Local Teachers

Jelena Vajagic Belgrade Teaching Since: 2024 Dancing Since: 2010

“"Hard Times Require Furious Dancing"”

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